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Friday, December 30, 2011

Micro Monster unleased by Monsanto Chemical Could kill us all

Monsanto has unleashed a micro-monster that could kill us all. Pay attention people, here is the next wave of planned genocide against our nation and it's population.  In case you have missed all the other horror stories of what Monsanto is doing to kill us, read more and watch this video below.  It should horrify anyone who have existed in denial heretofore.

 Here is the video link: <>.

Monsanto has unleashed a micro-monster that could kill us all.
That's according to Dr. Don Huber, an agricultural scientist and expert in microbial ecology, who's convinced that Monsanto's genetically engineered "RoundUp Ready" crops are responsible for a new micro-monster that's causing an outbreak of new plant, animal and human diseases.
Please read or watch (part1 & part 2) Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr. Huber and then write USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, as Dr. Huber has, and urge him to place a moratorium on Monsanto's RoundUp Ready crops until scientists learn more about this deadly micro-monster.

Monsanto has unleashed a micro-monster that could kill us all.   All I have to add is this:  Get smart or get dead.   There is no depth to which the Federal Government, in collusion with Monsanto, Dow and other chemical companies, will sink to kill us off.

Their lies about the safety of GMO foods has been proven false with the constant and extreme growth of
diseases that people and animals are enduring thanks to the bio-engineered crops that have destroyed Africa and other countries, killed off their populations due to starvation and disease.  Well, reality is hear in the good ole USA.  We are systematically being murdered by our government.

Planned genocide is nothing new, as we have seen worldwide.  WHY is it that Americans are so deeply in denial that they REFUSE to see what is before them?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Previously used as a weapon in the Vietnam War, 2,4-D may now be dropped en masse on U.S. crop fields

Dow seeking deregulation of GE corn resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of Agent Orange!.  God, Almighty, what next?  What is wrong with America's government that would allow and enable Dow and Monsanto Chemical Companies, among many others, to destroy our farm lands, permanently ruin the soil of our corn farmers and destroy the health and well being of people all throughout America?  

(NaturalNews) This is an exclusive breaking news story from NaturalNews, please cite this article as the source. It was received as a tip from a concerned health advocate who found it in the federal register, then forwarded it to an industry advocacy group which then forwarded it to us: Dow AgroScience, LLC, is petitioning the U.S. government to deregulate a genetically engineered variety of corn that is resistant to 2,4-D, an extremely toxic pesticide that was 50% of the recipe to making Agent Orange (used in the Vietnam War as a weapon of mass destruction).

This is all admitted right out in the open in the federal register text:

"We are advising the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has received a petition from Dow AgroScience LLC seeking a determination of nonregulated status of corn designated as DAS-40278-9, which has been genetically engineered for increased resistance to broadleaf herbicides in the phenoxy auxin group (such as the herbicide 2,4-D) and resistance to grass herbicides in the aryloxyphenoxypropionate acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitor group (such as quizalofop herbicides)."

The chemical pesticide group 2,4-D can cause acute toxicity and was a major component (roughly 50%) of Agent Orange, says Cornell University:

Rats fed 2,4-D produced "fetuses with abdominal cavity bleeding and increased mortality," says the Cornell link above, which also states that 2,4-D may cause infertility, birth defects, organ toxicity and neurological effects.

Previously used as a weapon in the Vietnam War, 2,4-D may now be dropped en masse on U.S. crop fields

What's most astonishing about this petition request is that if it is approved, the U.S. would then become an "agricultural war zone" where genetically engineered corn is "carpet bombed" with 2,4-D chemicals. Being resistant to such chemicals, the GE corn may then uptake those chemicals into its own structures and grain kernels, thereby creating corn laced with 2,4-D that would be unleashed when you eat your corn-based breakfast cereals or corn tortillas.

Corn is in practically everything you buy at the grocery store, one way or another. Watch the document King Corn to learn more:

Corn is also one of the main feed sources for factory farmed cows, which are especially efficient at concentrating toxins into their fat tissues, to be unleashed when digested by humans.

If this petition is approved by the federal government -- which has long conspired with GMO companies such as Dow, Dupont and Monsanto -- it would result in the unleashing of tens of millions of gallons of toxic pesticide chemicals annually onto America's agricultural landscape (not to mention runoff into rivers, streams, lakes and oceans).

What else you can do

Get involved with the Cornucopia Institute. They are working every day to fight exactly this kind of thing (and to protect America's farmers). Join their email list and please consider making a year-end donation to them, as they're doing fantastic work:

Subscribe to their free email newsletter (highly recommended) at:

Also, check out Jeffrey Smith and the Institute for Responsible Technology, which is fighting against genetically engineered foods and crops:

Additional reference:
Agent Orange was made from roughly a 50/50 mixture of:
• 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
• 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)

Documented side effects of Agent Orange include:
• Skin irritation and skin diseases, such as chloracne
• Neurological disorders
• Nerve disorders, including peripheral neuropathy
• Miscarriages in women
• Type 2 diabetes
• Birth defects, physical deformities, spina bifida
• Cancers: multiple myeloma, respiratory system cancers, Hodgkin's disease, prostate cancer, leukemia


Read more:,4-d

 Dow seeking deregulation of GE corn resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of Agent Orange. Please America, get involved.  The health of you, your children, grandchildren and our future depends upon stopping this killing off of our population by Dow and Monsanto Chemical Companies.  They are MONSTERS.  AND CRIMINALS.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The top 10 most censored Natural News stories of 2011

The top 10 most censored Natural News stories of 2011.  Finally, FINALLY, people in this nation and worldwide are waking up to the lies, distortions, denials, censorship by the Federal Government of the USA.  Here is Mike Adams list of the top 10 censored stories that mainstream media won't touch because they answer to the Federal Government and private corporations who will do anything and everything to cover up their bastardization of our food supplies, the crimes of medicines that harm rather than cure.   It is a deep article with tons of links.  I hope you will do yourself and your loved ones the MASSIVE favor of sharing this mother lode of information.

(NaturalNews) Ah, 2011 was a wonderful year for censored news, wasn't it? We learned a lot this year about the FDA, the CDC, evil corporations and fruit cereal that contain no fruit. The problem is, the mainstream media never bothered to report any of it. Or if they did touch the stories, they distorted them to fit their own corporate agendas.

Here are the top ten most censored Natural News stories we covered this year:
#1 - The Rawesome Foods raid
In this act of food tyranny, the FDA teamed up with California Dept. of Agriculture thugs to conduct an armed raid on a private buyer's club where they confiscated milk, cheese and watermelons. The mainstream media barely even touched this story, hoping no one would notice:
#2 - The Fukushima catastrophe
There's nothing like a little radiation to brighten your day, huh? When the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility melted down, the mainstream media pretended the world's greatest nuclear catastrophe was no big deal:
#3 - The USDA's mass murder of birds and animals
This year, NaturalNews reported on the USDA's "Bye Bye Blackbird" program which involves the agency conducting mass murder of birds, foxes, owls, raccoons and many other animals:
#4 - Natural breakfast cereals found loaded with GMOs
The mainstream media almost never reports on GMOs. That's because, as you might have guessed, their advertisers are all the evil food companies that sell genetically modified, pesticide-ridden foods to the public:
#5 - Vaccines continue killing people, but the media won't report it
You can always count on the mainstream media to lie about vaccines. But while they lie, people die, and 2011 was no different. This grandma died from swine flu several weeks after receiving the swine flu vaccine:

The influenza vaccine was also found to cause infant seizures and other neurological problems:

And Japanese children were killed by vaccines this year as well:

In fact, the Institute of Medicine openly admitted in 2011 that MMR vaccines cause the measles!
#6 - General Mills blueberry and pomegranate cereals found to contain no fruit
The press did actually pick up on this story a bit, but instead of crediting NaturalNews as the source, they simply ripped off the story and ran it as their own. One mainstream news channel featured a female "investigator" who claimed to have gone into the grocery store and "discovered" these General Mills cereals had no fruit. Predictably, they gave no credit to myself (the Health Ranger) or NaturalNews for actually doing the research and breaking the story:
See the video:
#7 - CDC admits fluoride levels in the public water supply are dangerously high
2011 is the year that the CDC finally admitted fluoride is dangerous in the water supply. The mainstream media refused to cover that story, of course, and spent its time pretending that fluoride chemicals are somehow GOOD for public health!
#8 - Clinical trials invalidated by influence of the mind
The entire basis from which "scientific" medicine is validated was called into question in 2011 with new findings about the power of the mind to override biochemistry. All of Big Pharma's clinical trials, in other words, may be utterly invalid:
#9 - HPV vaccines found contaminated with DNA / RNA of HPV
Gardasil vials were tested and found to be contaminated with the very viral fragments that the vaccine industry claims cause cervical cancer. The vaccines, in other words, were spreading the very disease they claimed to prevent!
#10 - CDC discredited with fraud indictment
This is the year that the CDC's web of fraud began to unravel, starting with former CDC scientist Poul Thorsen who was indicted for money laundering fraud. And the money he allegedly laundered was -- guess what? -- CDC grant money for researching vaccines!

Meanwhile, 2011 was also the year the CDC finally admitted flu vaccines don't even work! They "wear off," the CDC claims, which means the entire mythology of vaccine-induced immunology has to be completely scrapped.
#11 - The National Defense Authorization Act
Okay, here's a bonus item on this list, bringing it to eleven. The NDAA, passed by both the House and the Senate, would gut the Bill of Rights and allow Americans to be arrested, indefinitely detained, interrogated as prisoners in secret military prisons, and even assassinated by the U.S. military -- all legally! The mainstream media predictably lied about this story and claimed it didn't impact Americans. That turned out to be a complete fabrication:

The top 10 most censored Natural News stories of 2011.  Please read the rest of the article by Mike Adams, and find additional links and information to even more crimes against humanity by the corporations like Monsanto, Big Pharma, the FDA.  You will be horrified.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Auto Profit Machine is a bait and switch scam. Do NOT GO NEAR IT.

I am warning everyone I know to avoid like the plague the internet marketing program called Auto Profit Machine, created by some guy named Max Steigmeier or some such. 

Do NOT go near this program.  This is a typical  bait and switch program.  The guy drags around his "consciousness" of God, and blah, blah, blah.  He promises that there is a one time fee of $50.00 to "join" and that you need no sponsoring, no learning curve, and basically you don't have to do a thing to collect massive paydays passively.

It is some sort of scam akin to a forced matrix four level deep wherein you get 70% of the commissions generated by others who sign up under you. The other 30% is filtered down to others and it goes on and on and on.   The concept is what hooked me in the beginning.  That is, until I read all the material involved and realized that unless you market heavily, as I did with You Tube Videos and posts daily on my FB and Twitter accounts, you are screwed.  I let it play out for three weeks while I had the flu and watched my investment go - NOWHERE.  Not one single penny.

Read this report at the following link:

THEN, the pressure starts:  

Here is how it went for me:  I received a referral from a trusted Internet Marketer names Brian Charles, inviting me to sign up for $50.00, because he thinks the program is the next best thing to sliced bread.

Once you have committed yourself to the one time fee (HA!) as above,  you are then continually hounded by sales calls, text messages, promises of bonuses and more blathering, but you MUST attend his next call to get the "special bonuses".   

Upon doing so, you find yourself bombarded, literally, with more lies, upsells and "bonuses" which are nothing more than bait to get you to sign up.  It keeps going in circles.

The bonuses are worthless.  As I found out.  HOWEVER, you can pay Max an additional $200. to buy into  his ever changing numbers of how many are on his mailing list.  HA!  First he pitches his million plus mailing list, then it slides down to 800K mailing list.  He shows screen shots of income from an entirely different program and, without saying directly, he sneakily implies they are from Auto Profit Machine. 

If you are stupid enough to pay him an additional $200. to be on his select mailing list to his ??? (fill in the numbers)  I was not stupid to pay him another penny on pure speculation, with zero income on my investment.   Also relevant to me, since I am a member of a specific internet marketing forum which has genuine, honest programs and people, with photos, who create them,  is the fact that  "Max" has no "face" you can see.   

Then there is the issue of a REFUND.  Just TRY getting one.   I have watched this scam go nowhere for 23 days,  and I requested a refund.  FOUR times to date.   What do you get in return?   More lies and a copy of their refund policy issued from the ZenDesk which is allegedly the support arm of this "program".  

Any true internet marketer KNOWS bone deep that when a customer asks for a refund, you give it to them.  Period.     So I have had to go to PayPal and file a claim against this fraudulent business.  BEWARE.  DO NOT BUY INTO THE LIES of his so called profit screen shots, they are not even valid for the site.

Molly Dolly Saved My Life - Flu

Hello Everyone:  It's Christmas Day, 2011 for many people, and I am shocked and grateful to be alive today.  You see, like countless other Americans who are smart enough to research and learn the depth of duplicity about the poisonous side effects of flu shots, so loudly trumpeted by the government, and Big Pharma, the lying FDA, and other governmental goon agencies, I absolutely REFUSE to allow them into my body.    

Dr. Joseph Mercola, and countless other natural health advocates, have published hundreds of articles warning ALL of us about the toxic, killer flu shots that are loaded with mercury and other bio-engineered poisons.  Worldwide, those "flu" shots have been proven to be worthless, and for older people, literally one way to be killed off.

So, with all that in mind, and despite extreme care using surgical level hand washing technique (I am a retired Critical Care Registered Nurse), I still got the flu, all thanks to a little kid sneezing in my face while in I was standing in line at the grocery store.  

Desperately ill, I could not hold anything in or down.  I became extremely dehydrated and ended up with cardiac arrythmias and profound debilitation which required IVs to rehydrate me, and homeopathics to cure the flu, from my most excellent physician, Dr. Corazon Ibarra, at BioIntegrative Health Center International, located in Reno, Nevada.   

During the three weeks I have spent in bed recovering, I have had a constant bed companion called Molly Dolly, a tiny, sweet, little runt of a cat whose life I saved after my husband rescued her near death at two days old.  She never left my side except to use the cat litter box and to eat.   My husband was a wonderful support and made sure all matters that I normally handle were done before he left for work.  He also made sure that Molly got extra treats to thank her for her "nursing duties", such as they were.

Several times, I felt my heart stop in my chest.   Molly Dolly stood with her tiny little paws on my chest and walked up and down on it.  She constantly monitored my breathing, and would bump me repeatedly to awaken when she thought I needed to get something to drink.  One night, during the most violent part of the flu where vomiting would NOT stop,  she and another cat named Frosti positioned themselves next to my body on each side, purred without stopping,  and never left me until I was able to sit up at last without passing out.  

This is what I consider the greatest gift anyone could possibly receive, no matter if it is Christmas or whatever.  The undying, unconditional, non judgmental, total acceptance that only animals can give humans.   No greedy grasping for gifts, or carrying on like
crazy people because they didn't get what they wanted.  Nope.  Just free, generous and selfless love.

Molly Dolly sleeps with her tiny paws on my arm, or snuggled up next to me when I have had relapses, which, now, thankfully are past.  She "monitors" me constantly.
Do animals feel emotions?  Oh, yeah!  Molly's one little eye, which was ruined when someone poured engine oil on the mother and litter mates to suffocate them, was filled with moisture all the time during her duties as my "nurse".    She watched my every move and followed me from room to room when I was able to walk.   Try and find that kind of devotion, or even interest from humans, no matter how connected you are, and you will find yourself face to face with a wall of self interest, superficial concern and lots of phony platitudes by and large.   NEVER will you find the level of love and devotion that I received from my Molly Dolly, unless you pay for it from professional health providers.    The honest part of that is you know what you are paying for, and that it is exactly as it is.

Someone had the gall to judge my experience and then tell me I was bitter.  Seriously.  That's the compassionless attitude that I am referring to when I speak of typical human responses.

My reaction to their B.S. is this:  how could I be bitter about anything when I have been given one of God's little angels in feline form there to love me well.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Study finds connection between prenatal exposure to BPA and aggression during toddler years

Study finds connection between prenatal exposure to BPA and aggression during toddler years.  I am also wondering about the BPA in plastic baby bottles and the linings of any canned foods given to babies and toddlers.  This is an issue that every young parent should totally take to heart.   BPA damage is only beginning to surface and be understood.  Yet, the Federal Government continues to lie and deny in the face of hard scientific proof to refute their support of BPA.  Yep, just another day in crazy country.

"(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Harvard University School of Public Health have made a disturbing new discovery about the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). It turns out that prenatal BPA exposure can spur aggressive and undesirable behaviors in girls after they are born and reach their toddler years.

"Published in the journal Pediatrics, the study analyzed a group of 244 mothers and their three-year-old daughters living in the Cincinnati, Oh., area. The study team gathered and studied gestational and childhood BPA exposures using urine samples from the mothers, and compared various exposure levels among the children to their respective behavioral profiles.

"The team discovered that for each ten-fold increase in gestational BPA exposure levels, young girls exhibited significantly more indicators of anxiety and depression than their less- or non-exposed counterparts. Young girls exposed to high BPA levels were also more emotionally disturbed than the others and had a more difficult time controlling their inhibitions.
"The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) jointly funded the study as part of an investigation into the safety of BPA.

"Parents should be concerned about these findings," says study author Joe Braun.  As the mothers concentration of BPA rose, the girls born to those mothers had higher scores on these behavior problem indices. If pregnant women or parents are concerned about exposure to BPA, they can try to reduce it by limiting their exposure to canned foods and packaged foods."

"Both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Chemistry Council (ACC), however, continue to insist that BPA is safe, despite the plethora of scientific data showing that the chemical is harmful."

Study finds connection between prenatal exposure to BPA and aggression during toddler years.  Are you surprised in the least that this is the governmental stance? 

In the face of their endorsement of the "safety" of GMO "frankenfood" seeds
 that Monsanto Chemical has, without the slightest bit of conscience, 
created, in service to their monumental greed?  

First, I must digress to another issue for it mirrors the issue with BPA: 
Look at what is now coming full circle as the facts of the damage that GMO frankenfoods have done to humans, wild and domestic animals, decimation 
of the bee population, and even greater damage to the environment. 

Ecosystems are collapsing under the burden of  toxins from GMO crops 
and chemical farming that has rendered their soil lifeless of even insects
so necessary to build soil nutrients.   

Therefore, faced with this crystal clear, outright deception by the government 
that there is no danger to life, land, blah, blah, by frankenfood crops,
the issue of BPA toxicity is hardly a concern to the Federal Government!  Thankfully, countries like Spain, France, Germany and others
 in Europe and Asian countries are refusing to grow GMO seeds and crops.   
I have published many articles on these topics earlier this year.

So, if you are as concerned as I am, here is a start with the BPA issue.  We can
build the hope that it will generalize into the public consciousness.   Don't you 
just LOVE to be lied to, manipulated and treated like human garbage by your own government?  

Health Ranger launches offering high-end storable superfood nutrition for emergency preparedness.

"Health Ranger launches offering high-end storable superfood nutrition for emergency preparedness.    Thankfully, there are "warriors" of a different breed who stand up and defend our population with intelligent reports, research and documentation for our use.  In this instance, Mike Adams is stepping up to help educate the population of the lack of clean, non manipulated foods to store for preparedness.   Watching the news and reading the reports online tell  you in very clear terms that we are headed for financial collapse in this nation and worldwide.  It is well past time to consider your emergency preparedness.

"(NaturalNews) Are you as frustrated as I am with the GMO-laden, MSG-contaminated, soy-based storable foods industry? Over the past 18 months, I surveyed many of the big storable foods companies in the marketplace, hoping to find a company I could recommend as offering long-term storable foods that are certified organic, 100% non-GMO, 100% free of TVP and soy products, and 100% free of MSG, autolyzed yeast extract and other hidden forms of MSG.

To my great surprise, I discovered there is no such company, at least not to my knowledge. Sure, you can get storable food on the cheap from lots of companies, but if you actually read the ingredients, you'll find they're loaded with:

• Conventionally-produced corn and soy ingredients, which are almost always GMO.

• Autolyzed vegetable proteins, hydrolyzed ingredients, yeast extract and other hidden forms of MSG.

• Chemical preservatives and additives.

• Loads and loads of soy, often packaged as TVP (textured vegetable protein).

Personally, I won't eat TVP, MSG, GMOs or chemical additives, and I don't want these ingredients in my storable preparedness foods, either. I'm not going to name the companies that sell this stuff, because I'm not out to embarrass anyone. But I am out to educate you about the difference between processed "filler" storable foods versus high-quality, non-GMO, organic storable superfoods nutrition that can keep you alive during a crisis without poisoning you with chemicals and GMOs."

 Check out the offerings at:

"There, you'll also see my explanation of the top 10 reasons why your good health is more valuable than gold.

I've also posted a 45-minutes audio program on the page, which you can listen to free of charge. It's a program focused on preparedness strategies and long-term storable nutrition. It's very valuable to listen to even if you're not in the market for storable superfoods right now.

The catch in all this is that, as you might expect, high-end nutrition is inherently more expensive to produce than low-end TVP and processed, genetically modified foods. For these survival nutrition packs, we have priced them aggressively and factored in huge direct-to-consumer volume discounts in every pack, but even then this food is more expensive than low-end TVP foods made with taste-enhancing chemicals.
Survival Nutrition packs are in stock and ready to ship right now. They include:

• High-end superfood powders that can be mixed with water
• High-end nutritional supplements like astaxanthin and camu camu
• Superfood snacks like Boku Super Food Bars
• Sprouting seeds to grow your own living superfoods
• Superfood oils, sea kelp, Himalayan salt
• Superfood basics: Quinoa, brown rice, spelt, etc.
• Superfood sweeteners like palm sugar."

Health Ranger launches offering high-end storable superfood nutrition for emergency preparedness.  Go to his site and see the wonderful resources he has posted for your benefit.  Thank you Mike!

Health Ranger launches offering high-end storable superfood nutrition for emergency preparedness

Health Ranger launches offering high-end storable superfood nutrition for emergency preparedness.  Thank GOD!  someone in this country has their head screwed on right. It would be impossible otherwise to find these resources to get wholesome food for Survival when this entire system of government falls apart and collapses.  So while many in the nation fret endlessly about the latest celebrity gossip, and post their noxious opinions online about the people involved, there are those who are actually working to improve our quality of life rather than make our population look even more foolish and unaware of what they are doing to their bodies and the collective consciousness of the nation.

"(NaturalNews) Are you as frustrated as I am with the GMO-laden, MSG-contaminated, soy-based storable foods industry? Over the past 18 months, I surveyed many of the big storable foods companies in the marketplace, hoping to find a company I could recommend as offering long-term storable foods that are certified organic, 100% non-GMO, 100% free of TVP and soy products, and 100% free of MSG, autolyzed yeast extract and other hidden forms of MSG.

To my great surprise, I discovered there is no such company, at least not to my knowledge. Sure, you can get storable food on the cheap from lots of companies, but if you actually read the ingredients, you'll find they're loaded with:

• Conventionally-produced corn and soy ingredients, which are almost always GMO.

• Autolyzed vegetable proteins, hydrolyzed ingredients, yeast extract and other hidden forms of MSG.

• Chemical preservatives and additives.

• Loads and loads of soy, often packaged as TVP (textured vegetable protein).

Personally, I won't eat TVP, MSG, GMOs or chemical additives, and I don't want these ingredients in my storable preparedness foods, either. I'm not going to name the companies that sell this stuff, because I'm not out to embarrass anyone. But I am out to educate you about the difference between processed "filler" storable foods versus high-quality, non-GMO, organic storable superfoods nutrition that can keep you alive during a crisis without poisoning you with chemicals and GMOs. offers high-end superfoods nutrition at a direct-to-consumer discount
With the help of our e-commerce partners, we've put together three superfoods nutrition packs that provide high-density nutrition for 1, 2 or 4 people, covering 90 days, 180 days or a full year.

Check out the offerings at:

There, you'll also see my explanation of the top 10 reasons why your good health is more valuable than gold.

I've also posted a 45-minutes audio program on the page, which you can listen to free of charge. It's a program focused on preparedness strategies and long-term storable nutrition. It's very valuable to listen to even if you're not in the market for storable superfoods right now.

The catch in all this is that, as you might expect, high-end nutrition is inherently more expensive to produce than low-end TVP and processed, genetically modified foods. For these survival nutrition packs, we have priced them aggressively and factored in huge direct-to-consumer volume discounts in every pack, but even then this food is more expensive than low-end TVP foods made with taste-enhancing chemicals.

Go to to see the low prices we've been able to achieve.

"... it will still cost you more than soy-based storable foods. Storable foods made with TVP are simply cheaper, and that's because TVP is the No. 1 ingredient in prison food ( Non-organic foods grown with pesticides are super cheap to produce. GMO soy and corn is essentially animal feed that's used to fatten cows for slaughter. They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, survival foods or sources of high-end nutrition."

In stock and ready to ship today
As of this writing, our Survival Nutrition packs are in stock and ready to ship right now. They include:

• High-end superfood powders that can be mixed with water
• High-end nutritional supplements like astaxanthin and camu camu
• Superfood snacks like Boku Super Food Bars
• Sprouting seeds to grow your own living superfoods
• Superfood oils, sea kelp, Himalayan salt
• Superfood basics: Quinoa, brown rice, spelt, etc.
• Superfood sweeteners like palm sugar

See full details of what's in our Survival Nutrition packs at:

Much of these foods are packed in long-term storable steel cans which are professionally sealed and protected with non-toxic moisture absorbers.

We are working diligently right now to:
• Expand our editorial staff and increase our ability to investigate important stories.

• Improve our video facilities and produce more video reports such as the ones we've posted at

Stay healthy! And stay prepared for what's coming!

  • Emergency Seed Bank Sale 23 varieties, 37000 seeds, 1.4lbs. Prepare & Protect Your Future.
  • Herba Healer Academy 25 year storage food, free samples Be prepared for anything!
  • Honeyville Food Products Over 3,000 Products in Stock. We Ship Online Orders For Just $4.49!
  • Long Term Food Supply Long Term Food Supply Freeze Dried 25 Yr Life. Free Shipping

Health Ranger launches offering high-end storable superfood nutrition for emergency preparedness.  I have personally long been a subscriber to Natural News because it is one of the only resources available that tells the truth about foods that we are given to eat in this country.  Please read the rest of the article and check out the resources Mike Adams lists for these foods and more information on survival nutrition and preparedness.

And, to answer the question: No, I have no financial gain from this post and promotion of a company that does supply wholesome foods, although I wish I did.

War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan

War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan.  The lies and hypocrisy of the United States of America's federal government, CIA and all the other contemptible agencies that perpetuate these lies that keep the American public in total darkness is coming to a head and as the truth leaks out.  Finally! Americans are finally waking up from their self induced stupidity coma and realizing that we have allowed ourselves to become a nation of sheeple being herded around by blind shepherds who do as told and harm their fellow citizens.  Bottom line.

"War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan
 NaturalNews) Afghanistan is, by far, the largest grower and exporter of opium in the world today, cultivating a 92 percent market share of the global opium trade. But what may shock many is the fact that the US military has been specifically tasked with guarding Afghan poppy fields, from which opium is derived, in order to protect this multibillion dollar industry that enriches Wall Street, the CIA, MI6, and various other groups that profit big time from this illicit drug trade scheme.

Prior to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Afghanistan was hardly even a world player in growing poppy, which is used to produce both illegal heroin and pharmaceutical-grade morphine. In fact, the Taliban had been actively destroying poppy fields as part of an effort to rid the country of this harmful plant, as was reported by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on February 16, 2001, in a piece entitled Nation's opium production virtually wiped out (

But after 9/11, the US military-industrial complex quickly invaded Afghanistan and began facilitating the reinstatement of the country's poppy industry. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 percent in 2002 after the US military invaded the country under the direction of then-President George W. Bush (
CIA responsible for reinstating opium industry in Afghanistan after 9/11
"More recently, The New York Times (NYT) reported that the brother of current Afghan President Hamid Karzai had actually been on the payroll of the CIA for at least eight years prior to this information going public in 2009. Ahmed Wali Karzai was a crucial player in reinstating the country's opium drug trade, known as Golden Crescent, and the CIA had been financing the endeavor behind the scenes (

"The Golden Crescent drug trade, launched by the CIA in the early 1980s, continues to be protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO occupation forces and the British military," wrote Prof. Michel Chossudovsky in a 2007 report, before it was revealed that Ahmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll. "The proceeds of this lucrative multibillion dollar contraband are deposited in Western banks. Almost the totality of revenues accrue to corporate interests and criminal syndicates outside Afghanistan" (

But the mainstream media has been peddling a different story to the American public. FOX News, for instance, aired a propaganda piece back in 2010 claiming that military personnel are having to protect the Afghan poppy fields, rather than destroy them, in order to keep the locals happy and to avoid a potential "security risk" -- and FOX News reporter Geraldo Rivera can be heard blatantly lying about poppy farmers being financially supported by the Taliban, rather than the CIA and other foreign interests."

You can watch that clip here:

"So while tens of thousands of Americans continue to be harmed or killed every year by overdoses from drugs originating from this illicit opium trade, and while cultivation of innocuous crops like marijuana and hemp remains illegal in the US, the American military is actively guarding the very poppy fields in Afghanistan that fuel the global drug trade. Something is terribly wrong with this picture."
Sources for this article include:

War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting lucrative opium trade in Afghanistan.    Yep, that's America for you.  Lies piled on lies and only when people who have real courage and iron clad guts, like Mike Adams of Natural News, are coming forward to expose this deception of the American public by the United States of America's FEDERAL GOONS.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Medical Miracle You'll Get Arrested for Using

The Medical Miracle You'll Get Arrested for Using.  Another, typical interference from the FDA and the Feds to regulate, control and dictate every little bit of our lives by denying people with horrid illnesses and pain management issues the use of a natural, herbal substance.  Isn't anyone else sick to death of the government's absolute control of the population?

What are the Medical Uses for Marijuana?
"In order to really comprehend the movement behind medical marijuana, you must first understand that this herb truly does show outstanding promise as a medicinal plant. The studies conducted so far show significant potential for the use of cannabis in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of health conditions, including cancer.
For instance, in 2009 a study in the journal Cancer Prevention Research found that marijuana smokers have a lower risk of head and neck cancers than non-marijuana smokers.
Harvard researchers also found that THC in marijuana cuts tumor growth in lung cancer while significantly reducing its ability to spread. There is also a wealth of research linking marijuana with pain relief and improved sleep. In one recent study, just three puffs of marijuana a day for five days helped those with chronic nerve pain to relieve pain and sleep better.
Americans for Safe Access also has links to research studies suggesting that cannabis may help in the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's disease and cancer, while the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine highlights the following medical uses:
Nausea Vomiting Anorexia Cachexia (Wasting Syndrome)
Spasticity Movement Disorders Pain Glaucoma
Epilepsy Asthma Dependency and Withdrawal Psychiatric Symptoms
Autoimmune Diseases Inflammation High Blood Pressure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Lastly, the research site lists over 126 potential therapeutic applications for marijuana in disease prevention and treatment, further illustrating just how voluminous the scientific evidence really is in support of the medical marijuana movement.

Your Body is Hard-Wired to Respond to Cannabinoids in the Marijuana Plant

There are more than 60 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids in the marijuana plant. Cannabinoids interact with your body by way of naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors embedded in cell membranes throughout your body. There are cannabinoid receptors in your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, immune system and more; both the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of marijuana occur when a cannabinoid (such as the THC produced by the cannabis plant) activates a cannabinoid receptor.
Your body also has naturally occurring endocannabinoids that stimulate your cannabinoid receptors and produce a variety of important physiologic processes, far beyond that of the traditional "highs" associated with THC.
What is amazing is that your body is actually hard-wired to respond to cannabinoids through this unique cannabinoid receptor system; research is still ongoing on just how extensive their impact is on our health, but to date it's known that cannabinoid receptors play an important role in many body processes, including metabolic regulation, cravings, pain, anxiety, bone growth, and immune function.
A report by Dr. Manuel Guzman in the journal of Nature Reviews suggests that these active components of cannabis and their derivatives are potential anti-cancer agents:
" … these compounds [cannabinoids] have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signaling pathways. Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies."
A report by the American College of Physicians (ACP) further notes that:
"Marijuana has been smoked for its medicinal properties for centuries. It was in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia until 1942 when it was removed because federal legislation made the drug illegal … Still, the overwhelming number of anecdotal reports on the therapeutic properties of marijuana sparks interest from scientists, health care providers, and patients.
Over the past 20 years, researchers have discovered cannabinoid receptors: CB1, which mediates the central nervous system (CNS), and CB2, which occurs outside the CNS and is believed to have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity.
These scientific developments have revealed much information supporting expansion of research into the potential therapeutic properties of marijuana and its cannabinoids."

According to a report by Americans for Safe Access:
"In the past three decades, there has been an explosion of international studies designed to investigate the therapeutic value of cannabis (marijuana).
However, drastic restrictions on research in the U.S. have meant that few clinical trials are being conducted domestically and none are being conducted as part of a sponsor-funded drug development plan aimed at obtaining Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the prescription use of the botanical plant itself.
Meanwhile, research teams in Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Israel, and elsewhere have confirmed - through case studies, basic research, pre-clinical, and preliminary clinical investigations - the medical value of cannabis … "
Of course, in the United States marijuana is so heavily controlled that even if you wanted to conduct a clinical trial, you would have a hard time getting a supply for research purposes. As the Safe Access report states:
" … the federal monopoly on the supply of cannabis has fundamentally limited FDA-approved clinical research to investigate its safety and efficacy in controlling symptoms of serious and chronic illnesses.
In the United States, research is stalled, and in some cases blocked, by a complicated federal approval process, restricted access to research-grade cannabis, and the refusal of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to license private production of cannabis for use exclusively in federally approved research
It is possible to avoid these risks entirely by either using cannabis in hemp oil form or, as many medical marijuana patients advocate, by using a vaporizer. The device allows for the ingestion of marijuana without any combustion byproducts, eliminating rightful concerns about the cumulative harms associated with smoking it. It is also possible to minimize harm by eating marijuana (along with some fat, as THC is fat-soluble and will not dissolve in water).
It is important to note that in the United States today using marijuana for any reason is still considered an illegal activity that can result in serious legal consequences, including imprisonment.
Sadly, it is not the scientific evidence -- but rather politics and an increasingly insatiable privatized industrial-prison complex in need of more drug-convicted "criminals" -- which maintains the stranglehold on our freedom to choose wild growing plants as our medicine rather than soley FDA-approved drugs.
I think Willie Nelson said it well in the following quote:
I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?"
Read the rest of this highly informative article by Dr. Mercola here:

 Miracle You'll Get Arrested for Using.  Yep, no matter how dire the consequences, or how very ill a person is, there is always some governmental agency telling people that they no longer have the right of choice to use what they may to help themselves survive and even exist.