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Friday, December 30, 2011

Micro Monster unleased by Monsanto Chemical Could kill us all

Monsanto has unleashed a micro-monster that could kill us all. Pay attention people, here is the next wave of planned genocide against our nation and it's population.  In case you have missed all the other horror stories of what Monsanto is doing to kill us, read more and watch this video below.  It should horrify anyone who have existed in denial heretofore.

 Here is the video link: <>.

Monsanto has unleashed a micro-monster that could kill us all.
That's according to Dr. Don Huber, an agricultural scientist and expert in microbial ecology, who's convinced that Monsanto's genetically engineered "RoundUp Ready" crops are responsible for a new micro-monster that's causing an outbreak of new plant, animal and human diseases.
Please read or watch (part1 & part 2) Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr. Huber and then write USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, as Dr. Huber has, and urge him to place a moratorium on Monsanto's RoundUp Ready crops until scientists learn more about this deadly micro-monster.

Monsanto has unleashed a micro-monster that could kill us all.   All I have to add is this:  Get smart or get dead.   There is no depth to which the Federal Government, in collusion with Monsanto, Dow and other chemical companies, will sink to kill us off.

Their lies about the safety of GMO foods has been proven false with the constant and extreme growth of
diseases that people and animals are enduring thanks to the bio-engineered crops that have destroyed Africa and other countries, killed off their populations due to starvation and disease.  Well, reality is hear in the good ole USA.  We are systematically being murdered by our government.

Planned genocide is nothing new, as we have seen worldwide.  WHY is it that Americans are so deeply in denial that they REFUSE to see what is before them?

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