Worse than Bad Advice - This Can Lead to Seizures, Paralysis, Blindness, and Death. Yep, we're talking about vaccines. Read on and find out how Rick Perry from Texas made it the LAW that girls as young as eleven were required to have the vaccine Gardasil injected into their bodies with zero understanding of it's dangers. Dr. Mercola spells it all out in this brilliant article curated here:
Worse than Bad Advice - This Can Lead to Seizures, Paralysis, Blindness, and Death. If you have teenage girls or know someone who does, please read this article and send it along. You may be saving someone from being poisoned with these toxic, life threatening vaccines.
"Vaccines are currently approved based on the research submitted to the government by the drug companies that have developed the new vaccine and funded the pre-licensure studies. Many of the studies drug companies conduct do not use true placebos and have only a few hundred or a few thousand healthy people enrolled, who do not match the health profile of the millions of people told to get the vaccine after it is licensed. The safety of vaccine policies are primarily based on the word of the companies that produce and profit from vaccines and enjoy a liability shield from vaccine injury lawsuits in civil court that was given to them by Congress and the Supreme Court.
Is this wise?
Furthermore, the mass vaccination program takes a one-size-fits-all strategy approach. It does not acknowledge that we are all individuals with different predispositions and health status, which can play a significant role in how we react to vaccines or prescription drugs. For example, research by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride indicates that children with compromised gut flora are particularly prone to vaccine damage.
Currently there is almost no individual screening done by most doctors to assess whether an individual is at high risk for having a vaccine reaction that can end in serious health problems or even death. Wouldn't it make sense to do everything possible to minimize vaccine risks? After all, while increasing numbers of parents opt to delay vaccinations or opt out of vaccines for their children, there are many parents who want to vaccinate their children and they deserve to have confidence that everything possible is being done to minimize vaccine risks for their child.
Being able to easily and inexpensively decrease a child's chances of experiencing an adverse reaction should be embraced and encouraged by all health officials and doctors rather than conveniently dismissing the legitimate vaccine safety concerns of parents as "anti-vaccine" and "anti-establisment."
"Rigidly maintaining the assumption that one-size-fits-all mass-vaccinations are necessary and "for the greater good" fails to take into account the possibility that there is harm being done to an increasing number of people, who are not being counted when vaccine benefit and risk calculations are done by health officials.
Keep in mind that to this day, we have NO reliable data indicating just how many children are truly being harmed by any particular vaccine, as adverse event reporting is completely voluntary. Many people are still unaware that the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) even exists, or that you can file a report yourself if your doctor fails to make a report."
Worse than Bad Advice - This Can Lead to Seizures, Paralysis, Blindness, and Death. If you have teenage girls or know someone who does, please read this article and send it along. You may be saving someone from being poisoned with these toxic, life threatening vaccines.