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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CANCER is curable NOW A new movie on alternative cancer treatments including food suggestions

CANCER is curable NOW   THE CAUSE OF CANCER.  The following are just a few of the agents that have been found to be carcinogenic.  Household Toxins, Food Toxins, Plastics, Vaccination, Environmental Toxins, Emotional Toxins, Overwhelmed by Life, and so much more.   This new film production explores these factors and so much more, plus offers you alternatives to the standard medical regimen.

- Self-responsibility, The pain of change, Victory is a Decision, Cancer is a Wake-up call, Finding good support, Common sense, Self confidence, A new way of healing, Healing is possible, Your body heals itself

- Exercise, Oxygen, Sunshine/Vitamin D3, Cancer diet, Alkaline, Detox diet, Gerson therapy, Detoxification, Supplements, Vitamin C, Enzymes, Immune boosting

This Feature Length Documentary Will Bring Millions Of People To Alternative Cancer Treatments.
A new movie documentary called CANCER is Curable NOW might be the breakthrough that brings alternative cancer treatment to the mainstream audience.
This documentary pulls together more than 30 international holistic professionals who have been working passionately in the field of cancer alternatives — doctors, scientists, researchers and writers from around the world. You've probably heard about many of them in books and on TV, but if you'd like to see their knowledge distilled into a 90 min firework of insights, this movie is the place to do it.

Nothing can stop this awakening any more!
This movie shows that alternative cancer treatment has grown into a powerful movement — a movement which will finally reveal the ignorance of conventional treatments, by showing how CANCER is curable already NOW. The more people see others get well by following these simple and non toxic treatments the faster the shift will happen.
An ever growing number of talented people are involved in this shift of consciousness. The movement is gathering power and momentum, and it's growing much faster than we all anticipated.
As one of the doctors says in the film, a few years ago very few of the patients coming to her were eating whole, raw, organic foods, much less juicing them. Now ALL of the patients she sees know all about these things and they've already started doing them before their first visit. She doesn't have to talk them into a healthy diet. They know about it and they're ready to go. 

CANCER is curable NOW   For patients trying to figure out how to change bad habits, one of the movie's best pieces of advice is to surround yourself with supportive people. Hang out with people who eat right, who exercise, who take steps to get the stress out of their lives and deal with their emotional issues.

Relevant for the focus of this blog is the inclusion of foods and nutraceuticals that will help your body heal and to maintain and retain a healthy state of being.

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