Enormously Useful Allergy Treatment - With Virtually No Side Effects. If you suffer as I do with allergies and notice that each season seems to last longer, then read this highly informative article on why and how
to treat them naturally. I have been following this excellent advice and specifically found gluten intolerance at the top of my list of things to eliminate from my diet. After going gluten free for a month now, I feel like a different person. The lengthy list of allergic reactions that I had been suffering with prior to becoming gluten free shows has cleared. I am free of reactions. I am astonished to say the least.
"This allergy season could be worse than those of past years in the U.S., heavy snow and rain in many places, followed by a sudden shift to warm weather, have led to a profusion of tree pollen and mold.
A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows a link between warming temperatures and a longer ragweed pollen season. According to researchers led by Lewis Ziska of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the ragweed season is now 27 days longer in the northernmost areas of North America, largely because winter starts later and ends earlier, extending the time for pollen-bearing plants to thrive. It's not the first piece of research to make the claim that global warming will worsen allergies, but it's the most detailed and it's peer-reviewed.
In general, allergy seasons have been getting longer and more challenging, although pollen counts and allergy attacks vary widely from region to region.
Yahoo News reports:
"... [E]verything is ripe this year for a historic season. It's been an exceptionally rainy spring in much of the country, with several states east of the Mississippi River setting records for the wettest April since 1895 ... In Los Angeles, rain, a heat wave and the Santa Ana winds combined for a brutal stretch in February."
Evidence Climate Change is Making Allergies Worse
"There are now a number of studies linking changes in climate with increasingly long and severe allergy seasons. In fact, springtime is arriving 10 to 14 days earlier than it did 20 years ago, which results in higher pollen levels for longer periods of time. A new USDA study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Health Sciences confirms that hay fever season is becoming more intense and lasting longer. How do altered weather patterns contribute to allergies?Clifford Bassett, MD, medical director of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York sheds some light on this by using the example of ragweed, a very common allergen. Under normal circumstances, a single ragweed plant produces 1 million pollen grains. However, a CO2-rich environment boosts that number to 3 to 4 million grains. And ragweed is only ONE of the weed species making you miserable—there are many others that scientists expect to become "supercharged" by Earth's warming climate.But here is something you probably don't associate with allergies: thunderstorms.Stanley Fineman, MD (president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology) reports that quite a few studies have linked thunderstorms to a greater incidence of asthma-related hospitalizations. The phenomenon even has a name—it's called "thunderstorm asthma," and physicians believe it has something to do with all the pollen and dust that thunderstorms stir up. Thunderstorms appear to be increasing in both frequency and severity. These trends are not likely to reverse themselves anytime soon, so it's time to arm yourself with some effective allergy fighters if you are one of the 60 million Americans afflicted."
How and Why Do Allergies Develop? Read more at the link below:
Enormously Useful Allergy Treatment - With Virtually No Side Effects. In this highly informative article Dr. Mercola outlines a totally clear and doable list of things to eliminate from your diet and environment.
There are suggestions for optimizing your health overall with "what to include" to support your immune system as well. An excellent well researched and documented article.
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