Food safety false flag? USDA waited for people to die before recalling ground turkey it knew was contaminated. More government food safety malpractice. It is a daily occurrence anymore. The deliberate misleading garbage that government officials pump out on so called food safety. Worse, is outright betrayal of public trust.
"(NaturalNews) Adding yet more evidence to the proof that the U.S. government maliciously promotes dangerous food borne illness outbreaks rather than trying to prevent them, evidence has emerged today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture knew ground turkey produced by Cargill was widely contaminated with salmonella, yet it did nothing about it and waited for fatalities to occur. This breaking news has been published by the Wall Street Journal (
At a time when the federal government is conducted SWAT-style armed raids on raw milk farmers, accusing them of selling "pathogenic" milk, another regulatory department of that same government brazenly stands by and allows deadly pathogen-contaminated meat to be openly sold without offering any warning whatsoever to the public."
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"How did all this happen?
Astonishingly, current USDA regulations allow a meat production facility to pass inspection even if 49.9% of the meat is contaminated with salmonella. So even when the USDA is inspecting facilities, they can be downright filthy from a pathogenic point of view, with nearly half of all the meat contaminated, and the USDA still gives it a stamp of approval! It is in this way that the USDA, which is of course a complete prostitute of the meat industry, openly allows grossly contaminated meat to be sold to an unsuspecting public which thinks that meat is "USDA inspected."Sure it is! But the inspection only means that slightly less than HALF the meat you buy can be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria.
Meanwhile, when it comes to raw farmers, federal officials conduct armed raids on places like Rawesome Foods ( even when no one is harmed! Notice the outrageous double standard? When it comes to raw milk, the feds scream about how dangerous it is (even though no one has been harmed) and how deadly the raw milk bacteria are (even when they're friendly probiotics). But when it comes to raw meat, deadly pathogens are perfectly fine with the feds, and they even wait around for people to die from consuming it before bothering to issue a recall.
And they never conduct raids on Cargill factories, or Tyson chicken farms, or any of the other huge corporate food production factories that produce the bulk of the contaminated food supply in America. Two-thirds of all store-bought chickens are contaminated with salmonella too, didn't you know? "(
Food safety false flag? USDA waited for people to die before recalling ground turkey it knew was contaminated. This topic is so infuriating that it is hard to comment without a great deal of passion driving this commentary. I am, for one, just fed up with the FDA and their corruption. Our government is about as useless as it can possibly be, and even more, it is lethal. Especially with food safety issues.
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