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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Amazing food facts: The seed of a peach contains an almond-like nut containing the anti-cancer medicine laetrile

Amazing food facts: The seed of a peach contains an almond-like nut containing the anti-cancer medicine laetrile.  If only traditional medicine would open their minds to alternative treatments then millions of suffering cancer patients just might have a chance at living beyond their disease and chemotherapy.  But, nooooo, not going to happen in this lifetime.  Mike Adams speaks eloquently about one such alternative therapy.  Read more:
"NaturalNews) Peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots and almonds are all closely related fruit trees with very similar pits. In all these fruits, the pit must be broken open to reveal the almond-shaped kernel within. In fact, this is what almonds actually are: the kernel within the pit of the fruit of the almond tree!
The kernels of all these species contain high concentrations of a chemical known as laetrile. It's also known as amygdalin or vitamin B-17. Research has shown that laetrile induces programmed cell death in cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It's sort of like Mother Nature's chemotherapy except that it doesn't make you suffer the way man-made synthetic chemotherapy does."

 "The medical establishment, learning about this natural "chemotherapy" that killed cancer cells and didn't even require a prescription, quickly began to attack it by spreading lies about the dangers of laetrile. The FDA, long an enemy of healing through nutrition, banned laetrile in 1971. Highly toxic chemotherapy substances, however, remain perfectly legal and continue to kill hundreds of thousands of people every single year. (Most people who "die from cancer" are actually killed by chemotherapy and radiation, not from the cancer itself. "Cancer survivors" are people who miraculously survive chemotherapy.)"

G. Edward Griffin wrote a sensational book on this subject called World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17. It's available on at
 "Amazing food facts: The seed of a peach contains an almond-like nut containing the anti-cancer medicine laetrile.  This has been around for a very long time and suppressed by the FDA and traditional medical establishment who gets very, very rich off the drug companies poisonous chemotherapy drugs.  I know this on a personal level as my daughter is undergoing chemotherapy for follicular lymphoma.  The pain and suffering from those extremely toxic poisons is beyond belief.  Yet, as she has discovered, just try and get traditional medical doctors to open their minds to alternative cancer treatments and you get ridiculed right out of their offices and mocked for "buying into" what they call "voodoo" medicine.  The most arrogant of her doctors were those at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, she reported.  I spoke with her lead physician who actually lied to me.  When confronted with the truth, he abruptly found an urgent need to end the phone call.  

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