Food freedom alert: Bureaucrats in Michigan threaten woman with jail time for planting vegetable garden in her own yard. This infuriates me so much that just thinking about the miserable situation that this woman finds herself in nearly renders me speechless. Thankfully, I can have my 16 tomato plants where I live. It is unbelievable that people would condemn this person instead of praising her for her initiative and consciousness.
"(NaturalNews) The anti-food tyrants are at it again, this time threatening a Michigan woman with fines and jail time for her "crime" of daring to plant tomatoes and peppers in her front yard. Your help is needed to take action and fire off an avalanche of complaints against the local bureaucrats in Michigan who are threatening this woman (see action items below).
This story involves a woman named Julie Bass, whose front yard was dug up during sewer line construction. After the construction project was completed, instead of planting grass, she thought it would be far more practical to plant a vegetable garden. Watch the brief news reports on this at:
"Vegetable gardens not only provide organic, high-nutrient live foods to those who grow them, studies have also linked gardening to enormous health benefits such as sharp reductions in the risk of breast cancer ( and even lung cancer. They also create an environment of food security while promoting eco-friendly practices. There's no food that's more "local" than the food grown in your own front yard, right? It's good for public health, great for the environment, and fantastic for teaching children useful skills that get them out of the house and away from the X-Box.I urge you to join our avalanche of phone, fax and email complaints to the City Planner's office in Oak Park, Michigan. This avalanche will be taking place across three days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (July 11th - 13th). Here's what to do:
Action Item #1) Sign the online petition!
It already has 14,000 signatures (as of this writing) and lots more on the way!
Action Item #2) Complain loudly to Kevin Rulkowski, the condescending bully city planner in the news video who is harassing Julie Bass over her garden and threatening her with punitive action for daring to question his "authority":
Phone: 248-691-7450
Be sure to CC the City Manager Rick Fox who needs to be kept in the loop on this so he can see how his entire city is now becoming famous all across the 'net for having the world's most moronic city planner who hates vegetable gardens:
Phone: 248-691-7406
If you wish, you may also cc the Mayor of Oak Park, Gerald E. Naftaly:
Learn more:
Food freedom alert: Bureaucrats in Michigan threaten woman with jail time for planting vegetable garden in her own yard. The above links can take you to where you can DO something about this unconscionable action by a vindictive neighbor and the bumbling fools that make up their local governmental nazis, er, bureaucracy.
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